Import Medias...
The server groups them into pages, enriched by information and artwork found on the Internet...
You can alter the information about the medias such as title, release year, description, parental certificates, etc... Or even the category if the server guess was wrong...
See below the features specific to each category...
Movies are automatically sorted by title and year, genre, actor, tags (which you can modify)...
The server retrieves movie posters, background images, descriptions, actors, directors, parental certificates, from the Internet...
The server retrieves posters and descriptions about the actors from the Internet...
TV Shows
TV show episodes are automatically sorted by TV show and season, genre...
The server retrieves posters, background images, descriptions, actors, parental certificates, from the Internet...
Music tracks and video files are automatically sorted by album and artist, genres...
The server retrieves posters and descriptions about the artists from the Internet...
You can delete selected pictures whilst browsing them. You can also rename, move or copy them to other folders...
The server can optimize the files for you by creating scaled copies to make loading faster on devices with smaller screens...
You can assign genres and tags to sort your folders...
You can edit any picture file...
Home Videos
Home videos are automatically sorted by date and time...
You can assign tags to sort your videos...
Books are automatically sorted by author, genre, tags (which you can modify)...
You can read the content of .EPUB, .CBR and .CBZ files or folders from your web-browser if they contain only pictures...
Playlists can be shared with other users on the server...
Disc Mounting
Parental Controls
You can create users for each person of your family for example...
You can assign different parental controls to each user or allow or deny access to certain media from any category, protecting accidental access to content they should not view or stream...

The service exposes a DNLA/uPNP compatible server that you can browse with compatible DNLA/uPNP media software or capable devices.